Naturopathic Medicine

A form of medicine that uses medical sciences and diagnostics to help assess and identify the root cause of your health concern(s) but utilizes natural treatment modalities to help you feel better.

Naturopathic Doctors (ND)s are licensed naturopathic medical practitioners who are trained in the medical sciences plus natural therapies.  All practicing and regulated NDs have completed an undergraduate degree prior to completing four years of naturopathic medical school, have passed NPLEX 1 and 2 (standardized North American Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exams in the biomedical sciences and clinical modalities, respectively) and met the requirements to register with his/her state or provincial regulatory body.

NDs completed a one-year clinical internship in their last year of naturopathic medical school where they saw patients under a licensed naturopathic doctor. NDs are trained to conduct medical histories, physical exams, and interpret laboratory testing. Laboratory testing can be ordered as an additional cost at this current time.

NDs differ from medical doctors in our philosophy and treatment approach. When you see your ND, you can expect to be recommended treatments to help alleviate symptoms while your naturopathic doctor works with you to get to the bottom of your health condition through an individualized treatment approach.

6 Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

  • Our therapies provide minimal side effects as we strive to start off with the least invasive treatments that can help support your own body’s healing potential. We follow the naturopathic therapeutic order. We gradually work up the doses and treatment protocols to what will be therapeutic for you. While doing this we always check interactions with other medications you are on.

  • As we provide treatment to help minimize your symptoms in the short-term, we are really working behind the scenes to help you identify and treat the root cause. This is why we ask SO many questions on all aspects of you - mental/emotional/physical - as the entire body is connected. If you can treat the root cause, the symptoms will go away.

  • As mentioned above, the entire body is connected and to treat the root cause, we treat the entire person (mental, physical, and emotional aspects) through an individualized treatment plan.

  • Every one of us has an innate ability to heal ourselves but sometimes, our terrain gets disrupted a little bit. We help optimize this terrain so the body and mind can heal itself.

  • NDs will teach you about your health condition so that you are better informed and more empowered to take back control of your own health and wellness.

  • NDs can help you optimize your health (even if you are already healthy) to prevent diseases in the long-term.

Naturopathic Therapeutic Order

  • NDs assess for any factors that might interfere with the efficacy of any naturopathic treatment that is initiated. Once these factors are identified, your naturopath will help you identify steps to remove them. Some examples of obstacles to health include a stressful lifestyle; improper dietary habits such as skipping meals or eating on-the-go; inability to exercise; or, smoking.

  • This is the principle above related to supporting the healing power of the body. This is done through implementing a healthy diet individualized to you through identifying any potential food sensitivities or intolerances; Necessary nutritional supplements; Herbs; Homeopathy; And, acupuncture to ensure all the physiological process in our body can function optimally.

  • Sometimes simply supporting the body’s own healing potential is not enough, particularly if the disease state has progressed significantly. This is when supplements and other therapeutics are recommended in therapeutic doses to help revive weakened or diseased systems. This is a common stage at which people will seek out naturopathic doctors when they have already been diagnosed with a condition.

  • Often, it helps to work on the outside of the body as well as the inside of the body by correcting any structural subluxations and weaknesses. Spinal adjustments can help improve nerve function which can help improve the function of other organs. This is where your naturopathic care can be complemented with osteopaths, RMTs, chiropractors, or physiotherapy. Even though this is #4, it could also be addressed earlier on in the therapeutic order because correcting structural integrity can help with stimulating the body’s healing potential.

  • When some conditions have progressed too far making it hard to stimulate the body’s own healing potential or revive the weakened system back to health, natural treatments will be implemented to help palliate and alleviate the symptoms so that one can perform activities of daily living.

  • The goal is to avoid getting to this step in the therapeutic order. If #7 is needed, it is typically outside of the scope of a naturopathic doctor’s practice and requires the naturopath to recommend you go see your medical doctor for more invasive treatment like pharmaceuticals, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

  • Naturopathic treatment modalities

    Core Naturopathic Treatment Modalities

  • Naturopathic services

    Naturopathic Services Offered

  • Appointment Fees

    Appointment Fees