Raspberry-Rose Moon Mylk

If you are a fan of the flavour and essence of rose, you have got to try this moon mylk. Why ‘moon’? This means that the beverage is best enjoyed at bedtime as it contains adaptogens that can help us sleep better. Why ‘mylk’ not ‘milk’? Mylk is commonly used to denote non-dairy milk alternatives however feel free to substitute this with any form of milk.

Adaptogens are herbs that help to modulate cortisol levels and help you adapt to the stressors of life. Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone” and is secreted from your adrenal glands, that sit on top of your kidneys. When cortisol is high, this can affect your sleep quality among other areas of your health. Fortunately, there is testing that can test your free cortisol levels and your total cortisol output from your adrenal glands to give a more accurate picture if high cortisol levels are the real reason why you can’t sleep well at night. Once you know what is happening to your cortisol levels, we can select the best adaptogen for you as some can be stimulating to the adrenals so this helps when people are feeling depleted and some can be down-regulating and are meant for those who are overproducing cortisol. Examples of adaptogens are herbs like rhodiola, schisandra, licorice, holy basil, ashwagandha, ginseng and others. It is best to work with a naturopathic doctor to determine the best herb or combo of herbs for you.

Symptoms of adrenal dysfunction (cortisol dysregulation) which can occur from stress in one’s life – emotional stress and physiological stress (surgeries, multiple injuries, concussions, various health conditions) - can be:

  • fluctuating energy levels and/or low energy

  • afternoon crashes

  • difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night and/or feeling unrefreshed waking up

  • anxiety, low mood or feeling depressed

  • blood sugar imbalances

  • cholesterol imbalances

  • weight issues

  • women may experience irregular cycles

  • feeling too tired post-exercise

  • that ‘wired but tired’ feeling at the end of the day

  • sugar/salt cravings

  • Low thyroid symptoms like feeling cold and hair loss

  • And more

Raspberry-Rose Moon Mylk



  • 1 cup Silk unsweetened coconut milk (Silk is carrageenan free)

  • A handful of frozen (thawed) or fresh raspberries

  • ½ to 1 tsp Organic Traditions Ashwagandha powder

  • Splash of Rosewater (available in Middle-Eastern or South Asian grocery stores)


  1. Add the milk and raspberries into a blender and blend

  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan on low heat (simmer) and add the ashwagandha powder and a splash of rosewater.

  3. Heat until it just starts to steam and is warm. Overheating it will change the consistency of the coconut milk and make it unappealing. If you would like some frothiness on top, you can bring it to a rapid boil for a few seconds. Don’t boil it vigorously or else the particulates in the nut/coconut milk will separate from the water and your milk will look grainy.

  4. Enjoy and hope you have a good night’s sleep!


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