IV Nutrient Therapy

IV (Intravenous) nutritional therapy is a form of injection therapy where a high concentration of nutrients can be delivered directly into the bloodstream allowing for an enhanced absorption rate compared to nutrients delivered orally. Absorption factors from oral supplementation and diet can vary based on any digestive issues and /or gut inflammation, saturation of transport proteins needed for nutrient absorption, adequate stomach acid and digestive enzyme production, and, other factors. Nutrients that can be delivered intravenously (IV) include vitamins (vitamin C and B vitamins); minerals (zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, calcium, selenium, and others); amino acids (carnitine, glutathione, lysine, proline, glycine, glutamine, taurine and others); and other nutrients ( such as phosphatidylcholine and NAD+).

It is best to be well-hydrated prior to your treatment to allow for a maximum nutrient transfer from blood to the cells and tissues so you can receive the greatest benefit and repletion.

Glutathione treatments are offered as an add-on to your IV formulation or as a push on its own.  Ideally, glutathione is much more effective when supplied with its vitamin and mineral co-factors to aid in the recycling of glutathione in the body.  If you are unfamiliar with this key antioxidant that helps increase vitamin D in the blood and supports our immune health among other functions, then check out the article on glutathione and have a read here.

Enhanced Bioavailability

Delivering vitamins and minerals into the venous system is a way to enhance absorption for many nutrients compared to oral intake. Absorption of nutrients from oral intake depends on many factors including stomach acid and enzymes, the gut microbiome, and intestinal inflammation.

Customizable Formulas

Formulas are customized based on your health concern(s), needs, requirements, and any allergies. This is why it is imperative to book an initial consultation with our naturopathic doctor prior to an IV treatment so we can assess your health status.

Increased Vitality

An individualized IV formulation may provide you with increased energy, vitality, and an overall increased sense of well-being.

Book an IV Nutrient Drip

As we currently only offer virtual consultations, for your convenience, new patients can book a virtual initial consultation with our naturopathic doctor. Dr. Suhani, ND will book your IV treatment at the end of your initial consultation with her. The IV treatment will be done at our naturopath, Dr. Suhani’s current practice location at the Dr. For Moms Centre in Brentwood, NW Calgary


  • Increased energy

    Immune support

    The addition of glutathione as a push can support detoxification pathways and the immune system. Glutathione is a major antioxidant in the body and is used in the detoxification pathway that eliminates alcohol, acetaminophen (Tylenol), estrogen, and other toxins or drugs

    Great for those that have digestive issues and feel as though they don’t absorb nutrients efficiently. A study was conducted to determine if the concentration of vitamin C in plasma varies based on the route of administration and it was found that peak plasma concentration of vitamin C was higher after administering an intravenous dose compared to administering an oral dose (1). In the study, they administered 1.25g (1250mg) vitamin C orally and intravenously and found the peak plasma concentration to be 134.8 ± 20.6 µmol/L with oral administration (1) and 885 ± 201.2 µmol/L with intravenous administration (1). Another example is carnitine, a vital nutrient for energy production. The bioavailability (absorption) of carnitine in the gut varies based on numerous factors including the composition of our gut microbiome or the bacterial balance in our gut (2).

  • Be a long-term solution to improving your health. Once you identify the root cause for your health problems, often IV treatments are not needed as frequently. For example, once you address digestive issues so you can absorb the nutrients from whole foods efficiently, the more energy you will feel and IVs can become monthly maintenance unless you need rapid energy or immune boost. Addressing your hormones and other aspects of health can play a role in your energy levels, sports performance, and immune health as well. This is why getting an IV through a naturopathic clinic is different than getting an IV at an IV drip lounge – the naturopathic doctor works with you to address the root cause so that you don’t need to continuously be relying on IVs for an energy boost or to support your immune system.

    Fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, and fat-soluble nutrients are usually not delivered via IV and these are best taken orally with a meal containing some form of healthy fat.

  • Blood tests are important for administering IVs, especially when administering nutrients such as high dose Vitamin C and amino acids.

    If you have recent blood tests (within 6 months), please bring them to your initial appointment. If you haven’t had blood tests done within the last year, the naturopathic doctor may recommend certain blood tests to be done before administering an IV depending on your health concern(s). This is why new patients require an initial appointment first to review the need for blood tests.

    The following are the basic blood tests generally recommended:

    Liver function tests (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP)

    Kidney function assessment (eGFR, serum creatinine, serum albumin)

    Electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium)

    Fasting blood glucose

    Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (for high dose vitamin C)

  • Please make sure you have eaten something within the last two hours and are well-hydrated. Bring a bottle of water with you to drink during the treatment and/or a bar or snack. This will help reduce any possible complications from IV therapy such as nausea, vomiting, fainting, or dehydration.

    While the IVs may help with hangovers due to the electrolyte and B vitamin content, if you are feeling hungover and/or nauseous or unwell, please reschedule your IV for another day.

  • Bring something to do such as a book to read, your phone, or laptop if you want to do work. Some like to take a nap as well.

    Please plan to be in the clinic for 1.5-2 hours receiving your IV as some people may drip faster or slower than others due to vein size, tolerability of solutions entering the vein or other factors.

  • Depending on your health status, the frequency of IVs varies. Some, who are very deficient in vitamins and minerals and have a significant problem with absorption of nutrients taken orally due to digestive concerns may benefit from a multivitamin IV once a week for the first few weeks.

    IVs, when used for active health concern(s), are usually not a one-time treatment and may require a minimum of 3 IV treatments on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

    Those who are at the next level of health optimization, maintenance and looking for wellness IVs, can opt for an IV once a month or as needed.

  • Please call the clinic 24 hours prior to your appointment to cancel to avoid being charged 50% of the appointment fee for the IV treatment. This is due to IV bags being prepared ahead of your treatment.


  1. Padayatty SJ MRCP, PhD, Sun H PhD, CBS, Wang Y MD, Riordan HD MD, Hewitt SM, MD, PhD, Katz A, MD, Wesley RA PhD, Levine M MD. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral and intravenous use.  Ann Intern Med. 2004;140(7):533-537.

  1. Sanchez-Niño MD, Ortiz A. Differential effects of oral and intravenous L-carnitine on serum lipids: is the microbiota the answer? Clin Kidney J.  2014;7(5):437-441